• For all students - Parents should do their best to provide quiet time and space for students to complete their assigned tasks over the course of 4 hours.

6-12 Family and Student Expectations

  • 6th - 12th Grade Expectations

    Students are expected to go online daily and complete the tasks assigned by the teacher. HCPA encourages students to do their best to maintain a daily schedule by logging in during the bell schedule below:
    ●  8:00-8:30 – Check in with your College Prep*
    ●  8:30-9:30 – Period 1
    ●  9:30-10:30 – Period 2
    ●  10:30-11:30 – Period 3
    ●  11:30-12:00 – Lunch break for students
    ●  12:00-1:00 – Period 4
    ●  1:00-1:30 – Check in with College Prep*
    ●  Teachers will be available for 8 hours each day between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Due to family responsibilities, their hours will vary. However, all teachers should be available for the duration of the student learning bell schedule (8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.)

    *College Prep check-ins done via email, Schoology messaging, Schoology video, or FlipGrid.

    With home expectations and shared technology, HCPA realizes that this schedule may not be universal for all 6-12 students. Therefore, it is expected that secondary students spend up to four hours across the day engaging in the learning experiences created by their teachers. Furthermore, teachers understand that students may not be able to log in during these hours and will be providing office hours outside of these times to connect with their students.

6-12 Parent Expectations

    1. Help to create a quiet spot within your home where students can work and learn.

    2. Support students to login to Schoology (https://hcpak12.schoology.com).

    3. Have students navigate to their courses for that day following the A and B day schedule. Teachers will post

      assignments for each day in each course.

    4. Encourage your student to reach out to their CP (College Prep) teacher daily with any questions or concerns they

      have about distance learning. The CP teacher will do their best to answer questions or resolve any student

      concerns, as needed.

    5. Reach out to your child’s teacher regularly with any questions, comments, or concerns.

6th - 12th Grade Expectations

  • ●  Teachers will post learning experiences for students by 8:00 a.m. each day. Experiences could be single day or multi-day experiences. Daily learning experiences should take students no more than 60 minutes to complete for each class. In the case of multi-day experiences, teachers should post reminders through Schoology Updates to letstudents know the expectations for that day’s learning.
    ●  Routine feedback should be given by teachers through one of the following: responding to Schoology discussion posts or FlipGrid posts, posting comments or suggestions in Google docs/sheets/slides, holding individual or group conferences, or posting videos to Schoology.
    ●  Teachers will be available for 8 hours each day between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Due to family responsibilities, their hours will vary. Students should hear from their teachers by Monday, April 6th about their hours of availability. Teachers will post updates to their hours either via email or Schoology update to their students as their hours change. However, all teachers should be available for the duration of the student learning bell schedule (8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.)