- Hmong College Prep Academy
- Chromebook Insurance and Policy
2024-2025 HCPA Family Chromebook Technology Equipment Agreement
Insurance is offered for students in grades 6 – 12
CHROMEBOOK insurance fee of $50.00 per family of 3 or more for the 2024-2025 academic term (applicable per one incident, additional insurance may be purchased after completion of payment). Insurance does not cover the event of a CHROMEBOOK being stolen or lost; you will be responsible to pay the full cost ($284) to HCPA. My decision to pay the insurance premium is voluntary.
$20.00 per student or $40.00 for two students for the 2024-2025 academic term (applicable per one incident, additional insurance may be purchased after completion of payment). Insurance does not cover the event of a CHROMEBOOK being stolen or lost; you will be responsible for paying the full cost ($284) to HCPA.
We accept Cash and Credit Card Payment
Summary of Contract:
- The CHROMEBOOK (and accompanying equipment) are the property of Hmong College Prep Academy.
- Students are not allowed to use the device for any other purpose than academics.
- Parent/Guardian has the opportunity to voluntarily purchase insurance to cover the replacement costs of the CHROMEBOOK in the event it is damaged.
- Parent/Guardian(s) are responsible for the cost of any HCPA-issued equipment or accessories if they are lost, stolen or damaged, or purposely damaged by the student.
- If the student purposely damages Chromebook, Parent/Guardian(s) are responsible for all costs.
- The student’s misuse of the device and/or failure to follow HCPA rules and policies related to the use of the device will result in the student losing the privilege of having access to an HCPA-issued device.
- If the student withdraws/transfers from Hmong College Prep Academy during the 2022-2023 school year, they must immediately return the CHROMEBOOK (and accompanying equipment) to the Technology Department or else be charged in FULL ($284 for the CHROMEBOOK and $25 for the accessories). The CHROMEBOOK device will be wiped clean and unusable.
- By the end of the school year, the CHROMEBOOK and all related technology will be returned to HCPA. If technology is not returned in time, we understand that we are responsible for any payment due for missing technology.
To view the Chromebook Contract and Insurance options, click on the provided links. If your household has two or fewer members, utilize the individual contract forms, necessitating the completion of two contracts. For households consisting of three or more individuals, the family contract is applicable. While insurance is not mandatory, it is strongly advised.
- Student Contract (Family of 2 or less):
- Family Contract (Family of 3 or more):
- Student Contract (Family of 2 or less):