- Hmong College Prep Academy
- Special Education
Special Education
Special Education is a legal service that is available to children with disabilities, birth to age 21. In order to receive these services, students must meet the special education criteria for one of the disability categories. Before a student is assisted through special education, interventions are required in the general education classrooms. If the interventions fail, an evaluation can be made by a team of trained professionals to determine the need for special education. Parental referrals for this evaluation may also begin the process.
School Psychologists work in both Special Education and General Education. School psychologists help children and youth succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. They assist in the evaluation of students for Special Education, the development of IEPs, consult with teachers, assist on the pre-referral process, and counsel students who may be experiencing crises or are serviced under Special Education.
Paraprofessionals have many roles. At Hmong College Prep Academy, the paraprofessional assists students in Special Education either individually or organizationally in the classroom, assists the Special Education Department with scheduling meetings, interviews parents for evaluations and interprets information to parents at meetings.
HCPA has developed and adopted a Total Special Education Systems (TSES) Manual (see below). Additionally, a Restrictive Procedures Plan, which is in accordance with MN Department of Education guidelines, is available upon request. Please contact Senior Special Education Manager, Nou Her (nou.her@hcpak12.org) for a copy or for more details.