Welcome to the English Language Learners Department




    The Department of English Language Learners (ELL) at Hmong College Prep Academy strives to create an equitable learning environment in order to ensure English Learners (ELs) are able to reach their highest potential. The district views ELs as emergent bilingual students who bring a wealth of knowledge to our school. We value the linguistic and cultural capital that students and their families bring to the school community.

    The ELL Department oversees programming and services for ELs. We promote a district-wide approach to programming for ELs through cross-departmental collaboration. English Learners gain equal access to rigorous grade-level content standards and curriculum through collaboration and co-teaching framework. English Language Development is an essential focus addressed by all educators.

    Asset-Based Language

    Hmong College Prep Academy district uses student-first, asset-focused language that prioritizes students’ strengths and potential. This includes the use of the phrase, “multilingual learner” to describe students who are learning additional languages. The term, multilingual learner, or ML, includes students who were never identified for English Learner (EL) status, students currently receiving English language development support, and those who used to have EL status. Using asset-based language allows us to focus on the student attributes and strengths that they bring into the classroom environment, rather than focusing on their deficits and defining the student by which services they receive (e.g., special education, math or reading interventions, etc.), which allows for a generalization of the student.  Because the term English learner (EL) is used in federal and state laws and guidelines, in this document the terms multilingual learner (ML) and EL are both used accordingly.

    English Learner Department Leads Contact

    Elementary EL Lead: Katie Elliott (katie.elliott@hcpak12.org)

    Secondary EL Lead: Nell Hernandez (nell.hernandez@hcpak12.org)


  • Language Instruction Education Plan (LIEP) Handbook
  • Definitions in the English Language Program
  • EL Identification, Entrance and Exit Criteria and Procedures
  • Minnesota Home Language Survey
  • English Learner Assessments
  • English Learners with Special Education Needs
  • Parent and Guardian Rights
  • "Dear Colleague" Letter